Jeremy Renner

Jeremy Renner
Dance like no one is watching...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Put this one under the heading of *face palm*

My sister and her middle son are having an online argument regarding gay rights.  He’s for it, she’s not.  

He believes that being gay is how you’re born.  She thinks that people just get up each day and make the decision to be gay as if their attraction for people of the same sex is like choosing whether or not to wear skinny jeans, (Hint: skinny jeans are NEVER a good idea) mix stripes with polka dots, wear flip-flops instead of boots during a snow storm or to stay single instead of getting married and having children.

Coke or Pepsi?

Vegetarian, vegan or carnivore?

Cat person or dog person?

Car, truck, mini-van or motorcycle?

House, apartment, trailer-single or double wide, houseboat, RV, condo or a cave in the mountains?

Hot or cold?

Wine, beer, hard liquor or soft drinks?

Classic rock, hard rock, lite rock, country, alternative, rap, R&B, blues or ska?

Heels or flats?

White collar or blue collar?

Plane, train, bike, car, public transport or walk?

Hard copy or eBooks?

Cell phone or land line?

Red, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, purple, white or black?

Gay, bi or straight?

I could go on, but I think we all understand that our choices are just that, choices.  We make hundreds of decisions each day based on our education, upbringing, culture.  What we don’t get to choose is what color hair we have, whether its fine or thick, curly or straight.  We can’t choose what color our eyes are or the color of our skin.  

Products exist that allow us to make changes the parts of us we don’t like.  What we can’t do is change something that’s built-in.  

Being gay, straight or bisexual isn’t a choice any more than deciding that you don’t want to have a natural inclination for heart disease or cancer.  We didn’t choose to be male or female, tall or short, big or small boned, to have asymmetrical ears or a big nose.  We didn’t choose to have goofy looking toes, but we can choose to have our toenails painted in order to make the best of what we were born with.

I know that there are people out there who do not believe the same as me, and that’s okay.  God gave us the intelligence to make choices for ourselves.  He made us different from each other on purpose, so life wouldn’t get boring.

Me?  Well, I’m a live and let live kind of person.  I have friends of all colors, nationalities, cultures, religions, genders and sexual orientations.  I have friends who are married, single, divorced, separated, in monogamous relationships and in open relationships.  What I don’t have is the right to judge them anymore than they have the right to judge me.

In case anyone hasn’t figured it out, I am FOR gay rights, just like I would’ve been FOR women’s right to vote and handle their own affairs, and FOR the end of slavery.

Every individual has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no matter what form that takes.  If that means one of my male friends has fallen in love with another man, then I’m happy that he’s found someone that makes HIM happy.  If my female friend falls for another woman, again, happy that they’ve found love together.  I’ve always said that it’s hard enough to find that one person who makes your life complete, and if that other person is the same sex as you and you’re happy together, great.  If that person is of the opposite sex, great.  The important thing is to find your other half, the one person in this world that makes you feel whole.

As for me, I’ll go to sleep tonight knowing that I’ve been the best possible example of one of God’s children I can.  And that makes me feel good inside.  I only ask that you at least TRY to do the same.

Remember life is a test.  God is testing us every minute of every hour of every day.  Judgement Day is coming for all of us.  When you're standing at the pearly gates and God opens The Book of Life, will your name be written there?

Think about it.

à bientôt,


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